mandag 14. juni 2010

We are in the hope industry

“In our factory, we make lipstick. In our advertising, we sell hope.” This was apparently said by Charles Revson, one of the founders of Revlon. What a beautiful way of describing the added value of what you are offering. From a branding perspective it is a powerful sentence. But this blog is neither about branding nor lipstick. I don’t use lipstick, but I want to get up in the morning, look in the mirror and despite seeing an aging and tired face, I want to know that I can make the world a better place.
How many of us, as leaders, are in the “hope industry”? How much of my daily communication creates hope that we can do it, trust that we will succeed, belief that I can make a difference?
How much of my coaching is focused on what we can do more of? How much of my feedback is focused on what is done well? How much of my actions and my words talk to the goal we are aiming for?
I see myself in the hope industry. My job is to create better organisations that make better results. Do I fail? Again and again. Do I still believe that’s my job? Yes, because I want to work in the hope industry and create an industry of hope!

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